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Humidifier Gets Everything Wet

My Humidifier Gets Everything Wet – 9 Causes & Solutions

The humidifier is a godsend for many people who live in arid or semi-arid regions. You can reap countless benefits by having humidifiers stationed at home. However, it can cause trouble if you don’t use it properly. 

One of my friends, a new mom, has found that the humidifier in her baby’s room got everything wet, and she asked me how to deal with it. If you have the same problem, you come to the right place. 

I will elaborate on the possible causes of this issue and teach you how to fix it accordingly.

1. Excessive humidity already in the house

humidity level

Despite the benefits of using a humidifier, you can’t use it anytime you want.

When the air is already humid, and you continue to use the device, the air will become saturated fast, causing condensation on the windows and other surfaces. That’s why you wake up with everything wet in the room.

Aside from that, it will foster contaminant growth and damage furniture, putting you and your family at risk. Mold spores in the air constantly hunt for suitable residences, and our body is a good option for them. 


1. Use a hygrometer

To decide if there is excess moisture, you should know the current humidity level in the house, and using a hygrometer is the best way. 

A hygrometer is affordable, and it can constantly monitor the humidity level for you. The ideal humidity range falls between 30% to 50%. Whenever it exceeds 50%, you should turn your humidifier off.

2. Other methods to gauge humidity 

You can also measure the humidity level in other ways, including wet and dry bulb temperature tests, ice cube method, and so on.3. Do you have any dry air syndromes?

There are many ways to tell if the air is dry. For example, you may wake up with a sore throat or dry skin. If you don’t have any discomfort, maybe the humidity level is already good enough for you.

4. Use a model with a built-in humidistat

This kind of humidifier will turn off automatically as long as it reaches a certain humidity level. So you don’t have to regulate the humidity level on your own.

2. Your hygrometer is broken

Some people argue that they have a hygrometer installed and the humidity level is ideal, but their humidifiers still get their floor wet. 

While it is a very small chance, your hygrometer may be broken so that it can’t show the right humidity level. 


Buy a hygrometer in your local store or online can solve this problem immediately.

3. The humidifier size is wrong 

wrong humidifier size

In terms of humidifiers, the biggest isn’t necessarily the best. When you run a large humidifier in a small room, it has a higher likelihood of making your room over humidified. 

For those who just got a new model and come across this situation, you should check if the size fits your room well. 


You can avoid this problem by doing a bit more research before purchasing.

In fact, most packaging of humidifiers identifies the machine as being appropriate to certain square footage for a room. If not, you can get the information on their product description pages. 

A humidifier that is too big or too small is not a suitable option. Just go for the one with the right coverage. 

4. Wrong settings

Nowadays, it is hard to find a model without any adjustable settings. You will be able to modify the output rate from low to high. It is also possible to set the run time to work for you even if you are away from home. 

When you accidentally turn it to the highest setting, it can expel excess moisture that forms condensation on various surfaces. 


Turning down the output settings or shortening the run time should alleviate the issue for you. You can use the lowest setting and turn it up gradually if the indoor humidity level is low. 

5. Your humidifier is leaking 


The humidifier is something that can go wrong at some point in your life. The parts can get clogged and cracked over time. 

When the water in the water reservoir and base flows out through the crevices, leaving a pool of water on the table or floors. 


Check if this device is under warranty or immediately get a new one.

6. Your humidifier is malfunctioning

Similar to the issue above, your humidifier can fail with time. For instance, it can’t stop producing mist unless you unplug it. If your room exposes to such excess moisture for a long time, everything will become wet.


If you have the expertise, you can try to repair it. Otherwise, go for a new humidifier. 

7. Damaged filter

If you are using an evaporative humidifier, drum-style furnace humidifier, or flow-through furnace humidifier, you have to run the device with a filter. 

Every 2 to 3 months, you have to replace the filter to prevent contaminants from getting into the air. The filter will get clogged and lose the capability to filter out the impurities gradually. Eventually, it will break and become split.

When using a humidifier with a damaged filter, the water vapor will get into the air faster. Therefore, the air will become damper even if you don’t change any settings.


Unplug the machine and then replace the old filter with a new one. If you intend to extend the lifespan of your filter, you can achieve that by cleaning it regularly. 

8. Poor ventilation 

Ventilation is essential when using a humidifier. The moisture particles have to disperse evenly to not accumulate in a specific area. When the humidity level in this area goes up constantly, it will turn the water vapor into a liquid form.


To increase the ventilation, you can open the windows and doors when not in use. Using a humidifier with a fan together will also help with this issue.

9. Incorrect placement

Many items in our house are absorbent. Wood furniture, bedding, carpets, and floors can absorb a lot of moisture. 

If you put a humidifier nearby, the mist coming out will get into these objects instead of the air. At the end of the day, you will see wetness all over the place.

On top of it, some humidifiers are not very powerful, and the mist will only go up a bit and down fast due to gravity. You can always find a puddle around.


When you decide on the humidifier placement, you should put it high off the ground, a few feet away from the walls and your bed. In this way, the mist can be expelled into the air smoothly.


It isn’t delightful to find everything is wet after using a humidifier. Fortunately, you can fix it effortlessly in most cases. 

Sometimes, it is just because you don’t need to use a humidifier at all. I understand that you are excited to test your new gadget, but you should check the hygrometer to see if the humidity level is low. 

You can also try to turn down the setting, use a smaller one, or change the placement. Other than that, it may be because your humidifier is malfunctioning or you need to change a filter.

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Liz Yang is the founder of Airsmartly. She has been working at home for a few years and realizes that the performance of the HVAC system plays such an important role in our life. She has tested more than 150 products in person, including humidifiers, air purifiers, dehumidifiers, and ACs, and wants to share tips about using or troubleshooting these products with you. Her uncle is an HVAC expert with over 30 years of experience in the field, and often offers assistance when she is unsure how to handle a situation. He is also in charge of reviewing the articles on this site.

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